Best Paints for Stamford Harbor
Pettit Trinidad SR 3 weeks
Interlux Micron Extra 3/4 weeks
Hydrocoat SR Dual-Biocide * 2/3 weeks
Pettit Vivid 2 weeks
Pettit Trinidad SR 2 weeks
Interlux Micron Ultra 3 weeks
Best Paints for Old Greenwich
Pettit Trinidad SR 3 weeks
Hydrocoat SR Dual-Biocide * 2 weeks
Pettit Trinidad SR 3 weeks
Interlux Micron Ultra 2 weeks
Best Paints for Riverside
Pettit Trinidad SR 2 weeks
Micron WA 3 weeks
Hydrocoat SR Dual-Biocide * 2 weeks
Pettit Trinidad SR 2 weeks
Pettit Vivid 2 weeks
Pettit Black Widow weekly
Prop Speed
Prop coat barnacle barrier
Prop Armor
Trilux 33
1. At least 3 coats of any multi season paint
2. Extra coat at water line, front of keel and rudder(s)
3. Paint as close to launch as possible A day or two be for is best
4. * Single season paint
5. Biocides are required like Biolux or Econea
6. Ablatives are NOT a good choice for fast-moving boats (20+knots) get with added biocide
7. Hard Paints work best on fast boats and need a biocide
8. Most boaters should paint the prop and shaft
9. Zinc creams that are applied to props like Desitin works for a few weeks. Good early in season
10. Water based paints have very mixed results and can peel off
11. Aluminum boats or outboard lower units need to be careful with coatings Copper is very bad.
12. Light colored paints work better and are easier to keep clean
13. Replace zincs annually. Do not paint the zinc or underneath it
14. Two coats of paint are required for each season. For boats winter storing in water, 3 coats are recommended.
15. Race boats that are cleaned weekly should have an extra coat of paint
16. Multiple thin coats work well in most situations
Pettit Trinidad SR is the best overall paint. Great on all boats including racers. For multi season use, 3 coats are required. It’s a hard paint and can be used for 2 seasons if the boat stays in the water.
Vivid was the best racing paint in our area of the Sound last year.
Interlux Ultra is a great paint, use 3 coats.
Interlux Micron Extra is my favorite paint. It lasts about 3 years power or sail. Use 3 coats.
Interlux Micron 66 stays cleaner than most but only lasts about a season. Use 2 coats.
Interlux Micron CSC HS is a great paint that handles cleaning well. Use 2+ coats.
Pettit Black Widow new paint works well so far. Use 3 coats and closely follow cure times.
Pettit Black Widow much better than similar paints.
Cukote Sea Hawk with biocide has so far works well, but only used on 1 boat.
Blue Water Coppershield 45 is and cheap and works.
Things to Know and save $$$$: identical paints
Pettit Trinidad SR is West Marine BottomPro Gold
Pettit Ultima SR is West Marine PCA Gold
Blue Water Coppershield 45 Hard is MarPro Superkote
Hard: Copper Pro SCX 67 is SeaBowld Ablative 67 Pro.
Paints we don’t recommend
Pettit Unepoxy Standard is West Marine Bottomshield
Pettit Premium is West Marine CPP
Interlux Pacifica paints don’t work well in Greenwich
Interlux VC try Black Widow instead
**VC offshore paints, including Baltoplate, need many thin coats and expert application
Sea Hawk’s AF33
Pettit SR-21 is West Marine FW-21
Most silicone-based paints
Most Teflon based paints
Neptune5 use Hydrocoat SR Dual-Biocide instead
Paints vary to some extent over the long term, based on a number of factors, including water temperatures, current, tide height, and marine organisms present in an area.
Race boats should be cleaned within 48hours of a race.